Two Cities in "The Valley"
The Mat-Su Borough spans from the Alaska Range in the north, the Talkeetna Mountains in the east and the Chugach Range in the south. The borough is roughly the size of the state of West Virginia and is named after the two main rivers that drain into its valleys, the Matanuska River and the Susitna River. The borough is home to its two main cities Wasilla and Palmer, commonly referred to as the “Valley.” The valley has many draws for the people that choose to live here. For some it’s the gateway to the wilderness, for others it’s a larger piece of property or a larger home than they may be able to purchase in Anchorage. Nearly 30% of valley residents commute to Anchorage daily for work. Whether you’re looking for an easy commute location, a suburban feel or some acreage to spread out on, it’s available in the valley. Check out this video of Leslie explaining the 3rd Quarter Market Recap for the area!