Julie's Blog
Thank you, Jered, for your endorsement video. Helping you get settled in Anchorage and watching you jump into Rotary has been amazing to witness. I’m so glad to be part of your Alaska journey.
Thank you, Terri, for your endorsement. I appreciate your help at Anchorage South Rotary and it was a complete pleasure helping you sell Pat’s home.
Thank you, Rachel, for your endorsement video. You were one of the OG’s of the team and side by side we created an amazing team. I’m forever grateful for you.
Thank you, Stacie, for your endorseent video. I’ve appreciated following in your footsteps of RRC leadership and value your guidance and friendship.
Marina, thank you so much for your endorsement. Helping new agents navigate new situations is something I love to do. Wishing yo continued success in your career and in your leadership journe with the Residential Real Estate Council.
Nadia Evangelou, Senior Economist and Director of Forecasting with National Association of REALTORs, shared this insight.
Instant Reaction: Mortgage Rates, September 22, 2022
Mortgage rates surged this week as the Federal Reserve raised short-term interest rates by another 0.75 of a percentage point. According to Freddie Mac, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate rose to 6.29% from 6.02% the previous week. As a result, the monthly mortgage payment for a $400,000 loan is about $2,470 compared to $1,660 a year ago.
Rising mortgage rates typically lead to lower mobility rates over time. Owners may be locked into their existing homes as mortgage rates rise, and the three-percent rates from last year may not be back anytime soon. While the nation is suffering from a severe housing shortage, lower mobility can make housing inventory even tighter and cause home prices to continue to escalate. However, homeowners should consider that they have already accumulated substantial equity in the last couple of years. The median-priced home is worth about $80,000 more than in 2020 and $200,000 more than in 2012. In the meantime, homes will continue to appreciate as prices are not expected to drop due to the low housing supply. Thus, having positive equity in one’s home may ease the effects of rising mortgage rates on mobility.
If you would like to discuss in further detail, please reach out to one of us.
Fall Maintenance List:
Fall is one of our favorite times of year in Alaska. While we enjoy the trees are showing off with their yellow, red and orange leaves the list of things to do in preparation for winter swirl through our heads!
1) Remove all hoses from exterior faucets before freezing temperatures set in. Drain garden hoses before storing them for the winter.
2) Remove debris from the gutters.
3) Prepare lawn for winter – bag up leaves.
4) Make sure your snow tires are ready for the season
5) Sort through winter recreational gear - donate items that need upgrading/replacing)
6) Organize garage in order to park your vehicles inside
7) Inspect/service/clean furnace, garage unit heater and water heater now before it gets much colder. Change your furnace filters.
8) Inspect and clean vents, wood stoves and chimneys to eliminate any carbon monoxide dangers. Look for cracks, broken equipment and have it repaired/replaced.
9) Seal cracks and holes on the outside of your home to eliminate rodents moving in for the winter!
10) Do an inspection of your snow blower to make sure it's in tip top shape for the impending snow.
11) Replace worn weather stripping at doors to make your home more energy efficient and eliminate drafts.
12) Organize closets and replace summer gear with winter gear.
13) Inspect your roof for any missing or worn shingles.
14) Repair walkways. Uneven steps or wobbly steps are even worse with a layer of snow and ice on them. Fix them before someone slips and hurts themselves.
15) Fall is a great time to change batteries in all your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. These items should be replaced every 10 years if not sooner.
16) Check your fire extinguisher’s indicator on the pressure gauge to make sure it is charged. Confirm the lock pin is securely in place. If you see any corrosion, replace the extinguisher. These should be replaced every 6 years.
17) Prepare a winter car driving kit with safety gear.
American Heart Association Anchorage event "Go Red for Women" is coming up March 1st - don't miss the expo & luncheon!